Happy Gotcha Day, Zilya

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The Z litter at 17 weeks.

Russian Blues are like potato chips: You can’t have just one. So after Tekla, our Russian Blue from Ingeborg Urcia, and Mollie, our black and white girlie, passed, there was just beautiful Sofiya, our Dutch-bred Russian Blue with a side of Aussie genes.

You know what that means.

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‘The Art of Raising a Kitten’ Bahner’s Step by Step Primer

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Sofiya and me (Photo by Krista Hanniford)

Thanks to Pam Johnson for her lovely article in The Sound.

Step by step, The Art of Raising a Kitten is an insightful, integrated primer on kitten care by Sally E. Bahner. And Sofiya, Mollie, Tekla, and Celica Blue. And many other much-loved feline family members gracing Sally’s life through the years, including Ashley, the first of her gorgeous Russian blue cats.

Domestic short hair or special breed, no matter: for Sally, each kitten and cat that’s come into her life has provided its own master class, helping to make her an expert on cat care and behavior.

“I consider myself equal-opportunity. We’ve had hand-me-downs, strays, shelter kitties, all of the above, along with Russian blues. I think we’ve had an equal number of both, at this point,” says Sally, a Branford resident.

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‘Owned by cats’: long-time cat-writer Sally Bahner authors ‘The Art of Raising a Kitten’

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Lisa Reisman interviewed me about “The Art of Raising a Kitten” for the ShoreLine Times.

Author Sally Bahner photographed with her book, The Art of Raising a Kitten, at her home in Branford.
Arnold Gold/Hearst Connecticut Media

BRANFORD — This is the tale of Sofiya and Skitch Henderson and Skitch’s offspring Dewey and Tinkerbill.   

It’s the tale of long-time local reporter Sally Bahner who’s spent the last 50 years, as she puts it in her delightful “The Art of Raising a Kitten,” “being owned by cats.”

“I can describe my life by the cats I’ve had over the years,” she said at a recent pop-up book signing as part of the Holiday Cookie Sale & Gift Fair at the American Legion to benefit the Branford Compassion Club. 

“They’re just exquisite,” she said, when questioned on her love affair with felines. “Everything from their different personalities to their presence. They have such a presence.”

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‘The Art of Raising a Kitten’

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I have written a book!

After years of newspaper and magazine writing, blog posts, print and online, I have tackled my last frontier – a book, titled “The Art of Raising a Kitten.” I was lucky to be approached by Mallory Crusta of Cliverse Publishing/AllAboutCats for the job, which is pretty amazing considering the hoops people jump through to get published.

I’ve combined my years of research and my own experiences with my beloved felines to provide step-by-step guidance on navigating those early months of kitten care. My friend, holistic veterinarian Jean Hofve, DVM, has shared her expertise on medical issues that may be faced during those critical months. Read more of this post

The Russian [Blue] connection to Ukraine

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Feb. 25 – March 11, 2022

Say what you want about Facebook, but it has been instrumental in connecting people all over the world through common interests and passions.

For me, the connection has been through cats in general and specifically Russian Blues. Through my love of Russian Blues, I have met many wonderful people – from Finland, Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, Poland, Australia, South Africa, and yes, Russia. Over the years, we’ve shared hundreds of photos, celebrated births, and mourned deaths. Read more of this post

Mollie, Gone Too Soon

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As usual, I had writer’s block when writing kitty tributes. Perhaps it’s the final acknowledgement of their passing.

Mollie is gone. We lost her on July 16. Our morning routine was the usual – opened the back door to the deck for kitty viewing, made coffee, emptied the dishwasher, fed her and Sofiya. I went into the office, again as usual, to check email and the news. An hour or so later, I found her flat out on the kitchen floor, limp and breathing rapidly.

I scrambled to throw on some clothes, place her in the carrier, and rushed to the emergency vet in the next town. She let out one or two pitiful cries from the carrier.

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Conquer Your Cat’s Fear of the Vacuum

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From FearFreeHappyHomes.com

When I pull out the vacuum, Mollie disappears. Fortunately, our house is large enough that she has plenty of “safe” places to hide – often the linen closet upstairs or inside a kitchen cabinet.

There’s a name for this fear: Zuigerphobia. It’s a specific phobia, which is an irrational, yet excessive fear of a particular object. This type of phobia creates an immediate anxiety response, often causing the person – or pet – to avoid the object whenever possible.

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A belated tribute to Tekla

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Dear Tekla: I’m sorry I haven’t posted about losing you before now. Perhaps it would be acknowledging the finality of loss – or simple procrastination. But leading up to your 18th birthday, April 26, I would be totally remiss for not completing this tribute

Katzenburg’s Tekla of Dvinskaja

Katzenburg’s Tekla of Dvinskaja joined the many Katzenburg kitties bred by the venerable Ingeborg Urcia on Nov. 14. She was 17-1/2 and a host of old kitty ailments finally caught up with her. She was from the very last litter bred by Ingeborg, which included CJ, who was owned by Deb Harvey’s mom. I’ve had nine Russian Blues over some 30 years and Tekla was the longest lived. I do believe she is the very last Katzenburg kitty. Katzenburg kitties are part of so many Russian Blue pedigrees.

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Moving Cats To A New Home: A Step-By-Step Guide

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This post originally appeared in AllAboutCats.com.

Whether you’re moving cross town or across the country with your cat, safety and preparation go hand in paw. Stories abound about cats that have escaped during the moving process, so establishing a secure, comfortable location – on both ends of the move – is critical.

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Feral to Friendly-ish: Cats Coming in from the Cold

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Carl and Scooter

This article originally appeared at FearFreeHappyHomes.com.

A major conundrum of the cat world is the profusion of feral cats.

Robin Olson, president of Kitten Associates in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, recently trapped the most beautiful tabby-marked Siamese kitten in her yard. Dubbed Silas Buttonwood, he will be vetted, neutered, fostered, and placed in a loving home.

Silas Buttonwood

He is proving to be a challenge.

“He is a wild animal, but he has the potential to be socialized so he can live with humans,” said Olson. “He needs consistency and trust… I have to respect his wild heart.”

Silas was staying in Olson’s “blue bathroom,” the first stop for her fosters, but was still showing fearful behavior. Olson decided to move Silas from the bathroom to a large cage in her living room where he could get used to household noises and have more attention. Her job was to remain calm and maintain a routine that would help him feel safe.

The transition was tough. At first, Silas refused to eat but changed his mind and was soon resting on his familiar blankie. Olson observed that he likes seeing the other cats and her webcam shows him playing enthusiastically with a Turboscratcher during the night. She said he’s less shut down and is showing “a softer side to his cat nature.” He even responds to his name.

Continue reading at FearFreeHappyHomes.com.